Click here to download your application.
The municipal election is coming up on August 25th, and many citizens are worried about exposure to COVID-19 at the polls. If you’re one of them, here are easy instructions for absentee voting, provided by the Leigh Dollar for Mayor campaign team.
In July, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill confirmed that any citizen who wishes to vote by absentee ballot due to COVID-19 should mark the box stating they have a physical illness or infirmity that prevents their attendance at the polls on their application. This ensures their vote will be counted, whether or not they risk going to the polls.
Don’t miss these important points:
- Absentee ballots must be postmarked by August 24 and received by noon on August 25 to be counted.
- Or, voters may hand-deliver their ballot to a absentee election manager at City Hall by close of business August 24.
- Voters who apply for an absentee ballot must also submit a copy of a valid photo ID.
- Only one application per envelope will be accepted.
Absentee voters also have a one-stop-shop available at City Hall, located downtown on 341 Gunter Avenue . Voters can apply for a ballot, vote, and turn in all in one. Ballots may also be dropped off there.
If you have changed Districts in the past 4 years you must update with the Board of Registrars at the Marshall County Courthouse or online at www.alabamavotes.gov
Important dates to know:
August 10th: Last day to register to vote for the Municipal General Election
August 20th: Last day for a voter to apply for a regular absentee ballot
August 24th: If an absentee ballot is returned by mail, it MUST be postmarked by August 24th and received by 12:00 Noon the day of the election which is August 25th.
Voting In Person
The 2020 Municipal Elections will be held August 25th from 7am – 7pm at the Guntersville Recreation Center.
On voting day, for voters who choose to vote in person, each poll will have provisions in place for safe voting. They are:
- Floor markings asking voters to stay six feet apart.
- Clearly marked entrance and exit doors.
- Poll workers will wear face shields and face covers.
- Poll workers will regularly disinfect voting booths and other surfaces.
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be available for voter use.