Getting The Facts Straight
— A Statement From Leigh Dollar
An Open Letter to Guntersville
It is a privilege to serve as Mayor of Guntersville, and rewarding to see what happens when positive leadership and community teamwork come together. Guntersville truly is a great place to live, work and play, but that doesn't just happen. It takes good management, financial and otherwise, and a clear vision based on solid planning.
As Mayor, I want to make sure we maintain our excellent quality of life. Guntersville is uniquely situated geographically, and we are already benefitting from smart growth. But the potential is even greater, and much groundwork has been done to leverage that potential.
Our City has many opportunities that are turning into concrete accomplishments on a daily basis. It is with that record of success that I respectfully ask for your support. Please vote Dollar For Mayor on August 25 and keep Alabama's Lake City moving ahead!
Thank You,
Leigh Dollar